KAILASA® Canada celebrated Tamil Heritage with more than 200 in person attendees and 6.k Online viewers
January 21, 2023 commemorated the importance of the ancient enlightened Tamil civilization and the contribution of the Tamil community to the world. This year’s celebration honored Tamil leaders for their excellence in various fields. Eleven people listed below were selected for the distinctive honor for their success and contribution to the community and worldwide.
- Pandit Roopnauth Sharma
President of the Hindu Federation, Founder of Spiritual Leader of Mississauga’s Ram Mandir, Founder of Canada Hindu Heritage Centre (CHHC) - Sabaratnam Kurukal Srihara Kurukal
President of Hindu Priest Association of Canada, Founder of Sri Chandramouleeshwara Shivaalayam - Rajmeera Rasiah
Former Lecturer, PhD - Dr. Janani Selvachandran
Research Coordinator at CAMH (Centre for Addiction and Mental Health), PhD - Samy Appathurai
Award-winning Journalist, Columnist, Broadcaster, Consultant, Community Worker
- Arvin Maheshan
Tamil Musician, Public Accountant, MBA - Thulasi Ragunathan
Tamil Music Instructor, Director of “Brunthalaya” (The School of South Asian Music) - Dr. Gopal Gopalakrishnan
- Dentist
- Ranganathan Sarma Kurukkal
- Hindu Priest
- Sivasri Srithara Kurukal Akcharan Kurukal
- Chief Hindu Priest of Sri Chandramouleeshwara Temple
- Maliha Wilson
Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators, Senior Counsel at Nava Wilson LLP, Previously Assistant Deputy Attorney General - Dr. Anu Sriskandarajah
TDSB (Toronto District School Board) Trustee, Professor of Child & Youth Studies
The program began with the award ceremony and personal greetings from dignitaries to The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism (SPH), The Sovereign of the Sovereign State of SHRIKAILASA, Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam. The dignitaries included statesmen, decision-makers and leaders of various communities .
Through the international Nithyananda Live TV, KAILASA ecosystems and Tamils around the globe celebrated this day with pride. Dignitaries and many other viewers worldwide expressed their appreciation for the celebration and the special live address — a breakthrough revelation by The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam on the ancient conscious centric, enlightenment-based Tamil Hindu culture.
The SPH revealed that “After the stone happened before it ground to sand Tamil language, heritage & lineage started. The original sound vibration of cosmos , which is responsible for creation is the source sound for Tamil heritage. The source of all the sound is Tamil”
கல் தோன்றி மண் தோன்றாக் காலத்தே வாளோடு முன் தோன்றிய மூத்தக் குடி தமிழ் குடி
During the presidential address SHP , spoke about the Richness of Tamil heritage and its contribution to the world . He also elaborated on How Sri Kailasa is planning & preparing for the revival of Tamil heritage.
Guests of honour who joined the celebration and gave greetings:
- The Honourable Ahmed Hussen
- MP Jean Yip
- MP Shaun Chen
- His Worship Patrick Brown
- His Worship Adrian Foster
- His Worship Dan Carter
- MPP Vincent Ke
- MPP Aris Babikian
- Councillor Juanita Nathan
- Councillor Nick Mantas